It's all about
the kids

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You never stand so tall when you kneel to help a child


Help us by donating

Without the donations of generous individuals and businesses, none of this can be done. Your financial support provides more than 20 percent of our budget, and without it we would not be able to fulfill our commitments.

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A Helping Hand

Although we are small, WACO makes a significant contribution to the advancement of the children we serve. We are known for our annual Christmas program where we take more the 500 preschoolers shopping for themselves and their families.


Become a volunteer

If you are looking to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children living in the northwest and western suburbs, there are a number of opportunities to get involved with WACO. The children we work with are all living at or below poverty level.

Welcome to WACO

The Woodfield Area Children’s Organization is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to creating positive childhood memories, providing basic needs, along with educational support for children living at or below poverty level in Chicago's northwest and western suburbs.

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